Chastity Morals - we love the groovy tie dye!
Drake Wilde - rock star of the 60s!
Annie Phoenix - hip, fab miniskirt designer
The very fearsome Pat Psychello and Pat Junior - they're wanted for murders in The East End, man!!
Merlyn Mercier, aristocratic Baron de Montversigny in Southern France, otherwise known as Pearl's Turretsfest Assistant - Oh là là, Pearl was ma chère amie!
Starlight and Moonlight - two fab hippies; we love the face-painting, the headband, the peace signs!
Payton Morals and Major Morals - the Nation’s Avowed Guardians of Morality and Decorum! Dare anyone argue with them?
Polly and Raymond Rottingham - Pearl's - loving? - godparents.
Thanks again for a fab night playing the Sixties' murder mystery.