$22.90 – $39.06
Story and Characters for this Swashbuckling Pirate Murder Mystery Game
Yo ho ho, matey. The year be 1715 and Port Plunder be a haven for every murderous rogue in the Caribbean.
Pirates, their strange captives, and a shipwrecked Rear Admiral gather at Port Plunder after finding a priceless treasure map - a map to where the fabled Kraken's Crown be buried. Legend has it that whoever wears the Kraken's Crown can summon this fearsome sea monster to sink any ship on the Seven Seas.
Captain Billy Blood be drinking rum and putting a Governor's daughter, an English Rear Admiral and a moralizing Parson on trial for being "enemies of piracy". Then the treasure map be missing and Captain Billy be killed. Stabbed with a cutlass.
Billy's not-so-grieving widow claims she's never killed an unwanted husband - she just maroons them on desert islands.
Billy's rival pirate captains claim they would never murder him for his third of the priceless treasure map.
The mysterious Guardians of the Seas claim to use magic, not violence, to control the wind and waves and to foretell the future.
But what did the parrot and the monkeys do?
Who received the feared Black Spot?
Sink me, can ye solve this pirate murder mystery game before Hook-handed Hal arrives to send all concerned to the feared Davy Jones' Locker? Because Hook-handed Hal, the most feared "King of the Caribbean Pirates", be even more ruthless than Blackbeard. And Hal wants that treasure map ...
Swashbuckling murdering mystery party that will transport you and your guests back into one of the most exciting times in the Golden Age of Piracy. The end of the War of the Spanish Succession had flooded the Caribbean with unemployed privateers and sailors, many of whom swelled the ranks of the buccaneers. And the authorities had not - yet - effectively stopped these cunning sea wolves.
In 1715, all needed skill with a cutlass, pistol - and scheming. Enjoy a fun, light-hearted evening where guests will lie to hide their secrets - and to avoid walking the plank.
They must also solve the killing of Captain Billy Blood ...
This swashbuckling pirating murder mystery party game has a fun mix of fearsome, drunken and "gentleman" pirates
an English Rear Admiral who is on a mission to destroy piracy, an aristocratic Governor's daughter and two magic-wielding Guardians of the Seas. Larger versions also feature a flirty female tavern wench, a sassy islander with a heart of flint, a Parson who is on a mission to rid the Caribbean of sin and a flirtatious French lady.
Polite note: please check how many wish to play BEFORE purchase.
Murder Mystery Dinner Party Game: 6 - 8 Players
Gender of 6 essential players: 2 females, 2 males, 2 neutrals
Gender of 2 optional/minor players: 2 neutrals
Number of suspects: 6 - 8
Essential Female Suspects
Cutthroat Kat – fearsome captain of The Scurvy Skull.
Billy's not-so-grieving widow; has marooned at least four previous husbands!
Garrr, yer mangy maggot. Want to know why I be called Cutthroat Kat? Dare any accuse me of me dear Billy's murder!
Lady Dorothy Howard-Herbert – snooty, aristocratic daughter of the Governor.
Captured by Handsome Hugh and a very vocal captive. Engaged to Rear Admiral FitzGeorge – for now.
Fie on you. I demand you monstrous uncouth scoundrels treat me with respect, forsooth. And return me to my father. And apologize. At ONCE.
Essential Male Suspects
Handsome Hugh – dashing Irish captain of the Buccaneer Bounty; owner of Squawks the parrot.
Claims to be a "Gentleman" and thinks he's irresistible to the ladies – but knows his way round a cutlass.
Arrgh. Oi be the most handsome pirate ever to sail the Seven Seas, to be sure Oi be. And the ladies love handsome me, to be sure they do. Arrgh.
Rear Admiral Percy FitzGeorge – on a self-imposed mission to rid the Caribbean of piracy.
Engaged to Lady Dorothy.
Deuce take it – begging Lady Dorothy’s pardon; you rogues are the scourge of our seas.
Essential Gender Neutral Suspects
One-eyed Shark– former privateer; the co-owner of the Sea Dog Treasure Tavern in Port Plunder; once feared for vicious ways but is now rather too fond of rum.
Arrgh, me may like me rum, yer scabby squid, but me ain’t not drunk. Me be only two sheets to the wind; maybe four; or six. Me can’t seem to count. (Sways comically and has another drink.)
Tempest – one of the mysterious and magical Guardians of the Seas; claims to be descended from Davy Jones himself; claims to control the weather and the waves - and to foretell the future.
Owner of Tricksy the Monkey.
Mi magic be real. I can calm de wata – or raise de waves. Dare any here upset me?
Optional/Minor Suspects - Gender Neutral
Eye-patch Snake– former privateer; the co-owner of Sea Dog Treasure Tavern in Port Plunder; once feared for vicious ways but is now rather too fond of rum.
Yo ho ho me hearties. Me may like me rum – me very fine rum – but me ain't not drunk. Garrr; the room be a-spinning. Me will drink me rum and not a bilge rat 'ere will defeat me.
Torrent – one of the mysterious and magical Guardians of the Seas; claims to be a more powerful sorcerer than Tempest.
Owner of Mermaid the Monkey.
Tempest be just a novice; as de ancestor of Davy Jones himself, I control de wind and de waves. Be warned. Be scared. Be very scared.
Murder Mystery Dinner Party Game: 8 - 10 Players
Gender of 8 essential players: 3 females, 3 males, 2 neutrals
Gender of 2 optional/minor players: 2 neutrals
Number of suspects: 8 - 10
Essential Female Suspects
Cutthroat Kat – fearsome captain of The Scurvy Skull.
Garrr, yer mangy maggot. Want to know why I be called Cutthroat Kat?
Lady Dorothy Howard-Herbert – snooty, aristocratic daughter of the Governor.
Captured by Handsome Hugh and a very vocal captive. Engaged to Rear Admiral FitzGeorge – for now.
Fie on you. I demand you monstrous uncouth scoundrels treat me with respect, forsooth. And return me to my father. And apologize. At ONCE.
Maroon-'em Mary – flirtatious, devastatingly attractive but with a heart of flint.
Billy's not-so-grieving Scottish widow; has marooned previous husbands.
Och, let's get married, me handsome salty sea wolf. Be me Husband Number 6 and ye'll be happy – until I maroon ye.
Essential Male Suspects
Handsome Hugh – dashing Irish captain of the Buccaneer Bounty; owner of Squawks the parrot
Claims to be a "Gentleman" and thinks he's irresistible to the ladies – but knows his way round a cutlass.
Arrgh. Oi be the most handsome pirate ever to sail the Seven Seas, to be sure Oi be. And the ladies love handsome me, to be sure they do. Arrgh.
Rear Admiral Percy FitzGeorge – on a self-imposed mission to rid the Caribbean of piracy.
Engaged to Lady Dorothy.
Deuce take it – begging Lady Dorothy’s pardon; you rogues are the scourge of our seas.
Ruthless Ragin' Redd – First Mate of Billy's sloop: the Doom Raider.
Feared for his brutal ways and skill with a cutlass.
Scupper that, yer scabby sea bass.
Essential Gender Neutral Suspects
One-eyed Shark– former privateer; the co-owner of Sea Dog Treasure Tavern in Port Plunder; once feared for vicious ways but is now rather too fond of rum.
Arrgh, me may like me rum, yer scabby squid, but me ain’t not drunk. Me be only two sheets to the wind; maybe four; or six. Me can’t seem to count. (Sways comically and has another drink.)
Tempest – one of the mysterious and magical Guardians of the Seas; claims to be descended from Davy Jones himself; claims to control the weather and the waves – and to foretell the future.
Owner of Tricksy the Monkey.
Mi magic be real. I can calm de wata –- or raise de waves. Dare any here upset me?
Optional/Minor Suspects - Gender Neutral
Eye-patch Snake – former privateer; the co-owner of Sea Dog Treasure Tavern in Port Plunder; once feared for vicious ways but is now rather too fond of rum.
Yo ho ho me hearties. Me may like me rum – me very fine rum – but me ain't not drunk. Garrr; the room be a-spinning. Me will drink me rum and not a bilge rat 'ere will defeat me.
Torrent – one of the mysterious and magical Guardians of the Seas; claims to be a more powerful sorcerer than Tempest.
Owner of Mermaid the Monkey.
Tempest be just a novice; as de ancestor of Davy Jones himself, I control de wind and de waves. Be warned. Be scared. Be very scared.
Murder Mystery Party Game: 10-12 Players
Gender of 10 essential players: 4 females, 4 males, 2 neutrals
Gender of 2 optional/minor players: 2 neutrals
Number of suspects: 10-12
Essential Female Suspects
Cutthroat Kat – fearsome captain of The Scurvy Skull.
Garrr, yer mangy maggot. Want to know why I be called Cutthroat Kat?
Flirty Gertie – flirtatious serving wench; too attractive for her own good.
Me sweet little rum cake, shall I remind ye just how flirty I can be?
Lady Dorothy Howard-Herbert – snooty, aristocratic daughter of the Governor.
Captured by Handsome Hugh and a very vocal captive. Engaged to Rear Admiral FitzGeorge – for now.
Fie on you. I demand you monstrous uncouth scoundrels treat me with respect, forsooth. And return me to my father. And apologize. At ONCE.
Maroon-'em Mary – flirtatious, devastatingly attractive but with a heart of flint.
Billy's not-so-grieving Scottish widow; has marooned previous husbands.
Och, let's get married, me handsome salty sea wolf. Be me Husband Number 6 and ye'll be happy – until I maroon ye.
Essential Male Suspects
Handsome Hugh – dashing Irish captain of the Buccaneer Bounty; owner of Squawks the parrot.
Claims to be a "Gentleman" and thinks he's irresistible to the ladies – but knows his way round a cutlass.
Arrgh. Oi be the most handsome pirate ever to sail the Seven Seas, to be sure Oi be. And the ladies love handsome me, to be sure they do. Arrgh.
Rear Admiral Percy FitzGeorge – on a self-imposed mission to rid the Caribbean of piracy.
Engaged to Lady Dorothy; brother of Perry FitzGeorge.
Deuce take it – begging Lady Dorothy’s pardon; you rogues are the scourge of our seas.
Parson Perry FitzGeorge – has been sent to the Caribbean to rid the islands of sin; wants all to sign a Repentance of Sin declaration.
Stuff and fiddle. We need to make these monstrous rogues repent. Repent, I say. Repent!
Ruthless Ragin' Redd – First Mate of Billy's sloop: the Doom Raider.
Feared for his brutal ways and skill with a cutlass.
Scupper that, yer scabby sea bass.
Essential Gender Neutral Suspects
One-eyed Shark – former privateer; the co-owner of Sea Dog Treasure Tavern in Port Plunder; once feared for vicious ways but is now rather too fond of rum.
Arrgh, me may like me rum, yer scabby squid, but me ain’t not drunk. Me be only two sheets to the wind; maybe four; or six. Me can’t seem to count. (Sways comically and has another drink.)
Tempest – one of the mysterious and magical Guardians of the Seas; claims to be descended from Davy Jones himself; claims to control the weather and the waves - and to foretell the future.
Owner of Tricksy the Monkey.
Mi magic be real. I can calm de wata - or raise de waves. Dare any here upset me?
Optional/Minor Suspects - Gender Neutral
Eye-patch Snake – former privateer; the co-owner of Sea Dog Treasure Tavern in Port Plunder; once feared for vicious ways but is now rather too fond of rum.
Yo ho ho me hearties. Me may like me rum – me very fine rum – but me ain't not drunk. Garrr; the room be a-spinning. Me will drink me rum and not a bilge rat 'ere will defeat me.
Torrent – one of the mysterious and magical Guardians of the Seas; claims to be a more powerful sorcerer than Tempest.
Owner of Mermaid the Monkey.
Tempest be just a novice; as de ancestor of Davy Jones himself, I control de wind and de waves. Be warned. Be scared. Be very scared.
Murder Mystery Party Game: 12-14 Players
Gender of 10 essential players: 5 females, 4 males, 3 neutrals
Gender of 2 optional/minor players: 2 neutrals
Number of suspects: 12-14
Essential Female Suspects
Cutthroat Kat – fearsome captain of The Scurvy Skull.
Garrr, yer mangy maggot. Want to know why I be called Cutthroat Kat?
Flirty Gertie – flirtatious serving wench; too attractive for her own good.
Me sweet little rum cake, shall I remind ye just how flirty I can be?
Lady Desiree – spirited half-French niece of the Governor.
Oooh là là, I am ‘alf-French; bien sûr. I am not nearly so straight-laced and boring as dotty Dorothy here. And I am soo much prettier.
Lady Dorothy Howard-Herbert – snooty, aristocratic daughter of the Governor.
Captured by Handsome Hugh and a very vocal captive. Engaged to Rear Admiral FitzGeorge – for now.
Fie on you. I demand you monstrous uncouth scoundrels treat me with respect, forsooth. And return me to my father. And apologize. At ONCE.
Maroon-'em Mary – flirtatious, devastatingly attractive but with a heart of flint.
Billy's not-so-grieving Scottish widow; has marooned previous husbands.
Och, let's get married, me handsome salty sea wolf. Be me Husband Number 6 and ye'll be happy – until I maroon ye.
Essential Male Suspects
Handsome Hugh – dashing Irish captain of the Buccaneer Bounty; owner of Squawks the parrot.
Claims to be a "Gentleman" and thinks he's irresistible to the ladies – but knows his way round a cutlass.
Arrgh. Oi be the most handsome pirate ever to sail the Seven Seas, to be sure Oi be. And the ladies love handsome me, to be sure they do. Arrgh.
Rear Admiral Percy FitzGeorge – on a self-imposed mission to rid the Caribbean of piracy.
Engaged to Lady Dorothy; brother of Perry FitzGeorge.
Deuce take it – begging Lady Dorothy’s pardon; you rogues are the scourge of our seas.
Parson Perry FitzGeorge – has been sent to the Caribbean to rid the islands of sin; wants all to sign a Repentance of Sin declaration.
Stuff and fiddle. We need to make these monstrous rogues repent. Repent, I say. Repent!
Ruthless Ragin' Redd – First Mate of Billy's sloop: the Doom Raider.
Feared for his brutal ways and skill with a cutlass.
Scupper that, yer scabby sea bass.
Essential Gender Neutral Suspects
One-eyed Shark – former privateer; the co-owner of Sea Dog Treasure Tavern in Port Plunder; once feared for vicious ways but is now rather too fond of rum.
Arrgh, me may like me rum, yer scabby squid, but me ain’t not drunk. Me be only two sheets to the wind; maybe four; or six. Me can’t seem to count. (Sways comically and has another drink.)
Tempest – one of the mysterious and magical Guardians of the Seas; claims to be descended from Davy Jones himself; claims to control the weather and the waves – and to foretell the future.
Owner of Tricksy the Monkey.
Mi magic be real. I can calm de wata - or raise de waves. Dare any here upset me?
Torrent – one of the mysterious and magical Guardians of the Seas; claims to be a more powerful sorcerer than Tempest.
Owner of Mermaid the Monkey.
Tempest be just a novice; as de ancestor of Davy Jones himself, I control de wind and de waves. Be warned. Be scared. Be very scared.
Optional/Minor Suspects - Gender Neutral
Eye-patch Snake – former privateer; the co-owner of Sea Dog Treasure Tavern in Port Plunder; once feared for vicious ways but is now rather too fond of rum.
Yo ho ho me hearties. Me may like me rum – me very fine rum – but me ain't not drunk. Garrr; the room be a-spinning. Me will drink me rum and not a bilge rat 'ere will defeat me.
Crazy Karl – fierce, violent First Mate of The Scurvy Skull.
Yer overdressed darn dung beetle, I be called Crazy Karl for a reason.
Tash (verified owner) –
Another brilliant murder mystery! This was our third adventure with Maple Murder Mysteries, and this time we set sail for “Pirates Plunder and Murder.” Arrr, it was a treasure trove of fun and intrigue!
We were already discussing which theme we going for next!
Cate (verified owner) –
It’s become a family tradition to have a murder mystery party on Christmas Eve. This year we bought Pirate Plunder and Mayhem from Maple Mystery Games and it was fantastic.
Menu, decoration and costume suggestions got us started and we got right into the whole thing from there.
The downloadable kit was really easy to use.
Already planning for next time,
Paulette Cappell (verified owner) –
We took this game all across the high seas to the beautiful Seychelles islands where pirates were found on uninhabited islands for centuries..
We throughly enjoyed our game (7 players) with an imaginative setting and hilarious ad libs to add to the confusion and mayhem!
Saphia Islam (verified owner) –
We played the Pirates game as we had 2 teenagers in the group. Everyone had lots of fun and the story is easy to pick up and follow. Was a great way to spend an evening with extended family.
Doris Anderson (verified owner) –
We had a great time! It was easy to follow our parts and there were a lot of printouts to make it more fun. We had 14 people and it was nice to have the option for more people.
I loved the pirate theme! All the guests really got into it.
Bonnie Vail –
Pirates Plunder & Murder was a very entertaining and interactive game. The writing was funny and creative in dialogue. We all enjoyed dressing up and all the free printables help set the stage and all the creative ideas and information about the characters helps you understand your characters. The clues are highlighted so you know exactly where and when to read them. Lots of inspiration on how to play your part and how to decorate and dress if you so choose. I recommend this game highly!
Diamend (verified owner) –
A great laugh, although everyone wanted to be pirates! So the costumes were interesting, great fun, and with some excellent choices. Sword fights were particularly enjoyable with the cheap inflatable swords we had and a decent sized area to fight in.
The Guardians character was a very good idea, adding a bit of magic to the story, although perhaps the scripted Jamaican accent is a bit iffy in this modern era!
My one point would be the extra characters were too obviously extra characters, basically repeats of 2 of the other characters, so there was not much point in them being there.
Otherwise the timings were good, the whole thing was quite easy to prepare and organise, more about having the time and a decent printer than any special knowledge.
Would definitely try another one, although would make sure it was for the exact amount of people with no smaller parts.
Thanks to the team for a very enjoyable evening.
Note from Maple Mystery Games: each game we write uses a variety of different accents as guests often enjoy experimenting with them and hamming them up. This game has characters with Irish, French and old-fashioned, aristocratic English accents; as it is set in the Caribbean, there were also characters with a local accent although the booklets have now been rewritten to remove this. Obviously, there are also a wide selection of pirate dialogues to enjoy.